
We love our Marvin family and are here for all ages and stages of life. 



We firmly believe in the power of prayer at Marvin. Prayer requests can be submitted by filling out a prayer card and putting in the offering plate or dropping it into the prayer box at the Welcome Center.


This intercessory prayer team meets every Thursday to pray for requests submitted to the church. You are welcome to come and pray with this team or join others who receive the requests at home via email and pray over them individually.


“Do This in Remembrance of Me”—These words mean so much to many who are no longer able to physically attend church. Since we began our Homebound Communion ministry, we have served Communion to hundreds of households, yet we are still unable to meet the demands for Homebound Communion, and requests continue to increase. In addition to the efforts of our committed team, we ask the congregation for help in delivering Communion to homebound households on the first Sunday of each month. If you would like to deliver Holy Communion to homebound members, we are looking for people to organize homebound Communion on the first Sunday of every month, the same day we celebrate Communion at church. Everything you will need to serve Communion to our homebound members will be provided, along with instructions and encouragement. Be on the lookout for Communion bags near the Welcome Center. You are invited to take a bag on your way out of church and share Communion that afternoon.


Marvin Church is dependent upon information from members and their families, Sunday School classes or other individuals to let us know members and families are scheduled for surgery or in the hospital. Please fill out the form to let us know about hospitalizations or pending surgeries.

We have an active team of homebound visitors who seek to visit those who are no longer able to attend worship services on the main campus. Our pastors or lay persons periodically serve the sacrament of Holy Communion to those who are not able to receive the sacraments during our worship services. If you have a loved one in need of this service, please fill out the form.

Our pastors are assigned specific days each week to visit those who are in the hospital. Whether it is prior to surgery or during periods of hospitalizations, our pastoral staff wants to provide comfort to you and your family. 


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I would like to report:*

Please include the hospital name, room number, upcoming surgery date or the need for homebound visits or Communion.


Stephen Ministry, a Christian lay caring ministry for those in need, is a vital part of our congregation's mission: Call. Equip. Send. Stephen Ministers are trained to listen, encourage, pray and share Christ's love in an atmosphere of confidentiality and trust. Stephen Ministers work with Marvin clergy, and others, to provide the best possible care for their care receivers. There are many active Stephen Ministers at Marvin who have been trained to be special friends to those who are hurting due to loneliness, unemployment, divorce, grief, being shut in, childbirth, loss of spouse, lifestyle changes or questions about God and faith, or who are experiencing some other personal crisis. 

Consider becoming a Stephen Minister by answering Christ's call to "carry each other's burdens, and in this way you fulfill the law of Christ" (Galatians 6: 2). The Stephen Ministry program is constantly seeking caring individuals who feel called to serve in this important mission of Marvin Church.

If you would like to explore seeking the assistance of a Stephen Minister, please call the church.


For more information about baptism, weddings, or funerals and memorial services at Marvin Methodist Church, please fill out the form.

Persons of any age are suitable candidates for baptism because Christ’s body, the church, is a great family that includes persons of all ages. We baptize infants and children, celebrating the work of God in their lives. Parents or guardians who present a child promise to nurture them in the church family so they may lead a Christian life and one day become professing members of the church. The Methodist Church also performs believer’s baptism, where a person who has made the decision to follow Christ is baptized as part of their public profession of faith. The church does not re-baptize, but believers can remember their baptism and thank God for his saving grace.

Your wedding is a time when you will come before God, as well as family and friends to make a life-long commitment of your love. Marvin Methodist Church wants to minister to you during this time. We look forward to serving you and helping to make your wedding day a blessing. Wedding guides are available to answer your questions.

To help you through this most difficult time, we offer a step-by-step guide. While we hope this guide is helpful, it is not intended to substitute for a personal conversation or meeting with a pastor. If you have lost a loved one and are planning a funeral or memorial service, the pastors of Marvin Methodist Church will be glad to assist you throughout the process.


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