Marvin Midweek

One part of the discipleship pathway at Marvin includes our midweek classes. Midweek occurs on Wednesday nights, from August to November. Midweek classes are from 6-7 p.m. Below you will find more information about our fall class offerings. 

Midweek meals begin at 5 p.m. Adult meals are $5 per adult. Child meals are $1 per child. We kindly ask that all reservations for the midweek meal be submitted no later than the Tuesday before the midweek meal. You can make a reservation by signing up at the Welcome Center or by clicking HERE.


Discover how the Holy Spirit’s presence and power transform how you lead and love your kids. Each week, you will be invited to wrestle through the question, "Do I really know how to parent in the power of the Holy Spirit, or have I settled for parenting in my own power?" The Holy Spirit is championing you in the holy work of motherhood, and where you can’t, He can. He is faithfully at work, making the Gospel irresistible to your kids. You are never alone in your pursuit to point your kids to the love of Jesus. This class is facilitated by Karen Norton.

Dates: Oct 1.-Nov.19
Time: 10-11:30 a.m.
Cost: $15



Join us for a discussion of "When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor... and Yourself" by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert. In this class, we will talk through of the challenges of poverty and missions, and reflect on how our help can be more effective and respectful. In this class, we will discuss ways to approach helping others that truly support and empower those in need. Chris and Christy Hill plan to teach this class based on their experiences, successes, and failures ministering in Ukraine.

Dates: Oct. 23-Nov. 20



The goal of catechesis is to understand, recall, profess and enjoy the church’s essential teachings, which includes the essence of the central theological confessions of the Church and the essential doctrinal commitments of the GMC denomination. Part 2 focuses on our distinctives as Wesleyan Methodists. This class is facilitated by Rev. Gerry Giles.


We’ve all experienced unwanted parts of our spiritual journey: distance from God, gaps in our character, the fear that our lives will be trivial and empty, but Jesus is calling us into more. Jesus is calling us to be shaped into his likeness and to experience his abundance of life, but how, practically, can we do that? By becoming his apprentice. By Practicing the Way. This class is facilitated by Adam Kovach and Dr. Doug Baker.


Do you want to strengthen or reignite your marriage? Whether you're struggling to get along, your marriage is broken or you just want to grow closer together as a couple, consider Re-Engage Marriage Enrichment. Re-Engage is a ministry designed for married couples to join other married couples in small groups to explore lessons that help them reconnect, reignite or even find resurrection for their marriage. During this 10-week class, couples will learn about themselves and focus on God’s design for marriage when dealing with expectations, conflict, commitment, communication and forgiveness.

Dates: Aug. 28-Oct. 30
Time: 6-7:30 p.m.
Cost: $30 per couple
Space is limited


This class is designed to develop Christian leadership in the church and community and provide a small-group experience where skills learned can be discussed. Meetings include lecture, table discussion, leadership application and spiritual exercises to enrich one’s walk with the Lord and one’s servant leadership. The topic for this class is Mindset-The Thinkers Edge and we will be focusing on seven powerful leadership practices to get ahead in business and life. This class is facilitated by Dr. Pat Day.

Dates: Aug. 28-Oct. 9


GriefShare is for people experiencing fresh grief, as well as long-ago grief. Each participant will receive a free workbook to accompany the video series. Topics to be covered in GriefShare include Is This Normal, Challenges of Grief, Grief and Relationships, Guilt and Anger, and What Do I Live For Now? This class is facilitated by Gail Hollenshead and Debbie Weber.

Time: 3:45-5:00 p.m.


The book of Psalms is well-known and well-worn. It is the Old Testament book most often quoted in the New Testament, and its quotations can be found everywhere from John Milton to Star Trek to Congressional speeches. Why so much attention? The Church Father Athanasius said it best—most of Scripture speaks to us, but the Book of Psalms speaks for us. Open up the poetry and prayers of Scripture in a whole new and deeply sensitive way. In this class you will discover how you can trust God with all your emotions, how and why the people of Israel used the Psalms in worship, why the Book of Psalms is critical in our devotional lives today, and how the Psalms can deepen your prayer life. This class is facilitated by Rev. Brandy Stevens.

Dates: Aug. 28-Oct.23