Great fruit

We see great fruit in the Kids Ministry when parents are connected.

by Sarah Scott on March 01, 2023

We see great fruit in our children’s ministry when parents are connected. Over the last year, we have observed growth in regular attendance in Sunday School and small groups (Midweek, weekly activities) through the connection of parents. When parents are connected to each other and the church, the kids follow suit. We are thankful for the emphasis on spiritual growth and consistent movement of faith formation as it trickles down to our ministry from the parents.

God is working through our ministry in many ways. One of the most meaningful examples to me is the blessing of a great team! Our Marvin Kids and Littles are so blessed with a united team that truly loves and cares for one another. We have a faithful nursery staff who are committed to our children and families. And our Children’s Ministry Team consists of several members who not only care for children, but they are also committed to our church and to each other. People who show up, who make Jesus a priority in their own lives and who are committed to the Body of Christ.

Recently, one of our EDGE (fifth-grade) kids, Wyatt Freeman, attended Midweek as his parents participated in a class. Elementary Midweek kids are together much of the evening for activities and Bible study and Wyatt was not too excited about being with the younger kids, as sometimes the oldest are. But each week, he came and each week connected more with the younger kids. A couple weeks into the semester, he was helping our younger kids with activities and leading out as a helper! By the end of the semester, he was one of our most-trusted helper as we depended on him to lead our kids. Seeing the ways God changed his heart and opened him up to being the hands and feet of Jesus to those younger kids was such an encouraging blessing. Building the connections between the younger kids and older kids, breaking down the walls of difference, and helping our kids see each other as brothers and sisters in Christ is our heart. Watching that happen through Wyatt was a powerful display of God’s handiwork!

Tags: kids, midweek, littles

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