Gerry Giles

Pastoral Care

Gerry is a graduate of North Texas State University and completed the course of study at Perkins School of Theology. Additionally, he is a certified public accountant.

Gerry and his wife Laura moved to Tyler in 2007. That same year, they joined Marvin Church and both became active in congregational care and lay speaking. In 2009 while in worship at Marvin, Gerry sensed a clear and undeniable calling into full-time ministry. Over the next five years, he completed his studies at Perkins while working at small churches in the conference.

In 2012, Gerry joined the Marvin staff full-time as pastor of congregational care. In 2015, he also assumed the role of executive pastor.

Laura and Gerry have three adult children, Kelly, Katie and Jeremy, and several grandchildren. They enjoy spending time together, being with family and playing with their Scottish terriers. Gerry also loves playing golf, fishing and model railroading with his grandchildren.


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